I didn't like the way this picture came out at all.

It just didn't look right to me, and I hated the green bits on it. (I generally am not a fan of bright green.)
Fortunately, I had acquired some SILVER OIL PAINT. My life was complete, I was ridiculously happy! I wasn't sure what to do to the painting, so I started painting over the waves to make the edges glint silver. I wish I had taken more photos as I was painting, to capture the process. I know now for next time...
It looked pretty as the silver was added, and as I applied more and more, the painting began to take on a magical moonlit aspect. One of my friends at art class, J, pointed out that I needed a light source (I love it when I get proper helpful critique of my art, it always improves it!). So - it turned into a proper moonscape.
Here is the almost finished version, I have left it to dry before I do anymore to it.

I want to see how the silver comes out once it is dry, which will hopefully be by Friday. Oil takes forever, especially the way I ladle it on!
After I finished this, I started another one. I haven't taken any photos of that yet, because it is barely started - I should do though. I just feel strange about putting pictures out there that are in progress as they quite often look pretty dreadful when you're halfway through. Perhaps that could be a learning experience though. I will think about it.
Anyway, I hope you like what I did! Have a lovely day everyone. x
I love the moon glinting on the waves,
ooh i'm liking this