Kiri Learns To Drive!
My Blog
So what’s in your head?
Coming Home.
It’s all about where you stand when you look at it.
Self Sabotage, grief, and honesty.
Chronic Fatigue, Dyeing Yarn, and Crocheting a Blanket
Ovaries Over and Out.
I’m done. I’m going to love myself and date my friends.
The Shawl! My first commission (and my first shawl)
Art Class week 7 - overpainting a picture I didn't like
Art class week 6 - I paint some sea
Art class weeks 3 and 5 - OILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The anxiety before the storm
Anxious attachment - what is it and why does it affect me?
I can’t remember
Painting Granny’s blanket - art class 2!
Assault in the City. S1 E1.
It’s been a better day
What goes up must come down right? Stupid law of physics.
Arty Farty Kiri! Landscape drawing and painting and all new exciting things